New Beginnings Immigration

Newly Married? Here’s How to Make Canada Your Spouse’s Permanent Home

Marriage is a journey that brings with it a multitude of new experiences and decisions. For many newlyweds, one significant decision is the choice to start a new life together in a different country. Canada, known for its diverse culture and welcoming environment, often stands out as a top choice for couples looking to embark on this new chapter. However, the process of moving to Canada and making it a permanent home for your spouse can seem daunting. With various immigration policies and procedures, it’s essential to navigate this path carefully.

At New Beginnings Immigration (NBI), we understand the blend of excitement and challenges that come with such a significant decision. This blog is designed to guide you, the newly married couples, through the complexities of the Canadian immigration system, focusing on making Canada a permanent home for your spouse.

A Guide to Sponsoring Newly Married Spouse, Partner, to Canadian Immigration

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When considering immigration to Canada for your spouse, it’s crucial to understand the different pathways available. The Canadian immigration system offers two primary categories for spouses: Spousal Sponsorship and Common-Law Partner Sponsorship.
Both these categories are designed to reunite families and help couples start their new life in Canada.

Spousal Sponsorship is tailored for legally married couples. Whether you got married in Canada or abroad, your marriage must be legally recognized in both the country where it occurred and in Canada. This pathway allows Canadian citizens or permanent residents to sponsor their spouse’s immigration to Canada.

On the other hand, Common-Law Partner Sponsorship is for couples who have been living together in a conjugal relationship for at least one year. This category recognizes the commitment of couples who aren’t legally married but have established a life together, sharing the same level of commitment as a married couple.

Eligibility Criteria for Sponsoring a Spouse

Navigating the journey to bring your spouse to Canada begins with understanding the eligibility criteria for sponsorship. It’s not just about love and commitment; there are specific requirements set by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that both the sponsor and the sponsored spouse must meet.

For the Sponsor

  1. Age: You must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Status: You need to be a Canadian citizen, a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act, or a permanent resident.
  3. Residency: If you’re a Canadian citizen living outside Canada, you must show that you plan to live in Canada with your spouse once they are approved for permanent residence. Permanent residents must reside in Canada.
  4. Financial Stability: There’s a requirement to prove that you can provide the basic needs for your spouse, such as food, clothing, and shelter. This ensures that your spouse will not need to seek financial assistance from the government.

For the Sponsored Spouse

  1. Marriage Legitimacy: The marriage must be valid under Canadian law and the law of the country where it took place.
  2. Relationship Authenticity: You must prove that the marriage is genuine and wasn’t entered into just for immigration purposes.
  3. Background Checks: The sponsored spouse will undergo background checks, including criminal history and security checks.
  4. Medical Examination: A comprehensive medical examination is mandatory to ensure public health and safety.

How to apply for Canadian immigration spousal sponsorship

The Application Process for Spousal Sponsorship

Embarking on the application process for spousal sponsorship is a critical step in reuniting with your partner in Canada. This process requires attention to detail and thorough preparation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through it.

Gathering Necessary Documents

Completing Application Forms

Paying the Application Fees

Submitting the Application

Application Processing

Decision and Next Steps

Tips for a Smooth Application Process

Living in Canada During the Application Process

For many couples, the period of the spousal sponsorship application process can be a time of uncertainty and anticipation. Understanding the options available for the sponsored spouse to live in Canada during this time can ease some of the anxieties associated with the wait.

Temporary Residency Options

  1. Visitor Visas: A sponsored spouse may come to Canada on a visitor visa while their application is being processed. This allows them to stay in Canada temporarily but does not permit employment.
  2. Work Permits: In some cases, the sponsored spouse may be eligible to apply for an open work permit, allowing them to work in Canada while waiting for the decision on their application.

Legal Considerations

It’s crucial to maintain legal status in Canada throughout the application process. Overstaying a visa or violating the terms of entry can negatively impact the sponsorship application. If the sponsored spouse is already in Canada, they must ensure their temporary status (visitor, student, or worker) remains valid until the permanent residence is granted.

Staying Informed and Compliant

Keep track of the expiration dates of any temporary visas or permits and apply for extensions if necessary. Stay informed about any changes in immigration policies that may affect your status.

Tips for a Smooth Transition

After Approval: Settling in Canada

Congratulations, your spouse’s application for permanent residence has been approved! This marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life together in Canada. Settling in a new country can be both exciting and challenging. Here are some key steps and considerations to help make this transition as smooth as possible.

Obtaining Permanent Resident (PR) Status

Upon approval, your spouse will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and a visa (if they’re from a country that requires a visa). The COPR will have a date by which your spouse must enter Canada.

Setting Up Your New Life in Canada

  1. Social Insurance Number (SIN): Apply for a SIN. It’s essential for working and accessing government programs and benefits.
  2. Healthcare: Register for healthcare in your province or territory. There is usually a waiting period before coverage starts, so consider private health insurance in the interim.
  3. Banking: Open a bank account and understand the banking system in Canada for managing your finances effectively.
  4. Housing: Find a place to live. Consider renting initially to get a feel for different neighborhoods and communities.

Employment and Education

Common Challenges and Solutions in Spousal Immigration

Immigrating to a new country, even under the best circumstances, can come with its set of challenges. Understanding these potential hurdles and preparing for them can make your spousal sponsorship journey smoother. Here we address some common issues and provide practical solutions.

Challenge 1: Application Delays

Solution: Ensure your application is complete and accurate. Missing or incorrect information can lead to significant delays. Regularly check your application status and respond promptly to any requests from immigration officials.

Challenge 2: Document Verification

Solution: Gather and organize all necessary documents in advance. Ensure that all documents, especially those from foreign countries, are correctly translated and certified as per the requirements of the Canadian immigration authorities.

Challenge 3: Communication with Immigration Officials

Solution: Maintain clear and consistent communication. Keep a record of all correspondence and be proactive in seeking clarifications on any doubts or queries.

Challenge 4: Adjusting to Life in Canada

Solution: Prepare for cultural and lifestyle adjustments. Engage in community activities, explore local resources, and don’t hesitate to seek support from community groups or professional services.

Challenge 5: Financial Management

Solution: Plan your finances carefully. Canada can have different living costs compared to your home country. Create a budget and understand the financial system in Canada, including banking, taxes, and healthcare costs.

Challenge 6: Employment and Credential Recognition

Solution: If you or your spouse plan to work in Canada, start the job search early. Look into getting foreign credentials recognized in Canada and consider upgrading skills or education if needed.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the spousal sponsorship process requires patience, preparation, and perseverance. Remember, the goal is to start a new life together in Canada, and every challenge overcome is a step closer to that dream.

Mary Ann Go (NBI) hopes this guide has provided you with valuable insights and practical advice for your journey. For more detailed information and personalized assistance, please visit our website or contact our team.


Q: Can I sponsor my spouse to become a permanent resident?
A: Yes, you can sponsor your spouse for permanent residency in Canada if you meet the eligibility criteria as a sponsor.

Q: What happens if my Canadian permanent residence application is incomplete?
A: An incomplete permanent residence application may be returned or delayed, so it’s crucial to ensure all required documents and information are submitted.

Q: What is the best way to bring your spouse to Canada?
A: The best way to bring your spouse to Canada is through the Spousal Sponsorship program, which requires meeting specific eligibility and application requirements.

Q: How to immigrate to Canada as a couple?
A: Couples can immigrate to Canada by applying for spousal sponsorship, where one partner sponsors the other for permanent residency.

Q: What is the processing time for a spouse visa in Canada?
A: The processing time for a spouse visa in Canada varies, but it generally takes several months and can be influenced by the completeness and complexity of your application.

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